

June 16 Schedule

Please mind that the live stream & in-person program are identical in content, however, each starts at a different time. The in-person program starts at 9:00 CEST whereas the live stream starts at 13:20 CEST.

Webpack, Germany
Webpack in 5 Years?

What can we learn from the last 10 years for the next 5 years? Is there a future for Webpack? What do we need to do now?

Mozilla, Germany
How JS Modules work: a Browser Perspective

Modules are a popular tool for JavaScript Developers. Recently, there have been a number of proposals touching on how Modules work, including Import Maps, Top level await, JSON modules, Module asserts, and many others. But how does the module loading system work, and how do these proposals augment it? What does it look like from the browsers perspective to load a module tree with an import map? We will explore these questions and more, giving you a behind the scenes look at module loading in JS.

GitHub / GitHub Copilot team, Poland
Bringing the Power of AI into your Editor with GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI pair programmer tool that puts the collective knowledge of millions of developers right at your fingertips, directly in your IDE.

During the talk, Krzysztof, a core team member behind GitHub Copilot, will demo how Copilot works and discuss the design principles used while creating the project.

He will also dive into some of the project's technical details - how Copilot communicates with its AI, what "queries" it uses, how it processes responses, and how it integrates with various IDE to create characteristic Copilot's UX.

Spotify, UK
Impact: Growing as an Engineer

Becoming a web engineer is not easy, but there are tons of resources out there to help you on your journey. But where do you go from there? What do you do to keep growing, and to keep expanding the value you bring to your company? In this talk we’ll look at the different kinds of impact you can have as a web engineer. We’ll walk through what it means to take on bigger, more complex projects, and how to scale yourself, and grow the community around you. By driving our own development we can all grow our impact, and in this talk, we’ll discuss how to go about this.

Leaning Technologies, Italy / The Netherlands
Crafting the Impossible: X86 Virtualization in the Browser with WebAssembly

WebAssembly is a browser feature designed to bring predictable high performance to web applications, but its capabilities are often misunderstood.

This talk will explore how WebAssembly is different from JavaScript, from the point of view of both the developer and the browser engine, with a particular focus on the V8/Chrome implementation.

WebVM is our solution to efficiently run unmodified x86 binaries in the browser and showcases what can be done with WebAssembly today. A high level overview of the project components, including the JIT engine, the Linux emulation layer and the storage backend will be discussed, followed by live demos.

Erick Wendel Training and NodeSource, Brazil
How I've been Using JavaScript to Automate my House

Software Programming is naturally fun but making something physical, to interact with the world that you live in, is like magic. Is even funnier when you can reuse your knowledge and JavaScript to do it. This talk will present real use cases of automating a house using JavaScript, Instead of using C++ as usual, and Espruino as dev tools and Microcontrollers such as Arduino, ESP8266, RaspberryPI, and NodeRed to control lights, doors, lockers, and much more.

Software Engineer, Public Speaker, and Teacher, USA
Confessions from an Impostor

You know what impostor syndrome is, right!? Most all of us have felt that nagging feeling that we're faking it and that we're sure to be found out by all the experts around us at any moment.

But before you go assuming this talk is the same ol' song and dance full of platitudes that encourage you to ignore that syndrome, let me clue you in on a little secret: there's no experts around you. Impostorism is not a syndrome at all, it's a pragmatic mindset and perspective, one we should all embrace and be proud of. In fact, it's vital to us getting our jobs done.

Vercel, USA
Full Stack Documentation

Interactive web-based tutorials have become a staple of front end frameworks, and it's easy to see why — developers love being able to try out new tools without the hassle of installing packages or cloning repos.

But in the age of full stack meta-frameworks like Next, Remix and SvelteKit, these tutorials only go so far. In this talk, we'll look at how we on the Svelte team are using cutting edge web technology to rethink how we teach each other the tools of our trade.

Reacting to Web3 - Jonathan Sheely

What are the opportunities available to web devs in web3? What problems are they likely to face transitioning to web3? How the Decentology's Hyperverse solves these problems and can help them avail of these opportunities.

Automatically maintaining thousands of code demos across multiple framework variations - Stephen Cooper

At AG Grid, we maintain thousands of code demos, with the same demo in Angular, React, Vue, and Vanilla JS. Additionally, each framework has different variations covering JavaScript, TypeScript, Modules, Packages, Hooks, Classes, Vue 2, and Vue 3. How do we do it? We automate. This session will explain how we start with a single TypeScript version and automatically convert it to every combination we need and finally use Cypress to test the converted example.

Getting Real with NodeJS and Kafka: An Event Stream Tale - Marcos Maia

In this lightning talk we will review some basic principles of event based systems using NodeJS and Kafka and get insights of real mission critical use cases where the default configurations are not enough. We will cover quick tips and tricks and good practices of Kafka with NodeJS using KafkaJS library and see some real code at a lightning speed.

Content Modeling 101 - Harshil Agrawal

In today's world, it's no surprise that "Content is King". It helps in telling a story and helping you reach out to more people. Most of the time, developers aren’t the ones managing this content. Hence, modeling content efficiently becomes crucial. Doing it well makes the content delivery process smooth for the team. But how does one go on with modeling content? What are the things that one should take care of? I’ll answer such questions in this talk, and share my approach to content modeling as a JavaScript developer.

Google, USA
The Future of Performance Tooling (remote talk)

Our understanding of performance & user-experience has heavily evolved over the years. Web Developer Tooling needs to similarly evolve to make sure it is user-centric, actionable and contextual where modern experiences are concerned. In this talk, Addy will walk you through Chrome and others have been thinking about this problem and what updates they've been making to performance tools to lower the friction for building great experiences on the web.

Datadog, France
Yarn 4 - Modern Package Management

Yarn 4 is the next major release of your favourite JavaScript package manager, with a focus on performance, security, and developer experience. All through this talk we'll go over its new features, major changes, and share our long-term plans for the project.

If you only heard about Yarn without trying it yet, if you're not sure why people make such a fuss over package managers, if you wonder how your package manager can make your work simpler and safer, this is the perfect talk for you!

Bloomberg, UK
Record & Tuple: Immutable Data Structures in JS

Record & Tuple is a proposed feature for JavaScript that aims to introduce new immutable value types. Records are immutable key/value structures and Tuples are immutable sequences of data. In this talk, Robin, one of the champions of the proposal will introduce the feature, show how it can be used and explain how this feature is advancing in the TC39 standardization process.

Tauri Programme within the Commons Conservancy, Malta
Tauri Foundations and Futures

Tauri is a rust-based, security-first, open-source application construction framework built on the philosophy of shipping better projects without compromising on our climate goals. This talk will introduce key components and benchmarks of the stable release of the fully-audited framework. Further it will discuss its future as a means of not only delivering desktop and mobile apps, but also its mission of backfitting servo in order to make a fully fledged all-platform webview provider. Finally, we will present our award for "2022's most secure modern web-framework" in the context of webview-based Tauri apps.

Miro, Netherlands
Animations with JS

Creating different animation effects like bouncing, typing with vanilla javascript. Looking at several approaches of creating animations with time based functions and Request Animation frame.

Snyk, Israel
Security Controls in the JavaScript Supply Chain

The omnipresence of open-source software and low-barrier of entry on npmjs are serving as a catalyst for supply chain security incidents that are continuously impacting JavaScript developers. What can we do to protect ourselves?

Duda, Israel
Build a 3D Solar System with Hand Recognition and Three.js

We live in exciting times. Frameworks like TensorFlowJS allow us to harness the power of AI models in the browser, while others like Three.js allow us to easily create 3D worlds. In this talk we will see how we can combine both, to build a full solar system, in our browser, using nothing but hand gestures!

Makepad, Netherlands
Makepad - Leveraging Rust + Wasm + WebGL to Build Amazing Cross-platform Applications

In this talk I will show Makepad, a new UI stack that uses Rust, Wasm, and WebGL. Unlike other UI stacks, which use a hybrid approach, all rendering in Makepad takes place on the GPU. This allows for highly polished and visually impressive applications that have not been possible on the web so far. Because Makepad uses Rust, applications run both natively and on the Web via wasm. Makepad applications can be very small, on the order of just a few hundred kilobytes for wasm, to a few megabytes with native. Our goal is to develop Makepad into the UI stack of choice for lightweight and performant cross-platform applications. We intend to ship with our own design application and IDE.

Automated Application Security Testing - Scott Gerlach

Traditional security testing for JS apps has focused on the front-end, but actual security issues most often lie in the backing REST API. Join StackHawk co-founder Scott Gerlach for a quick overview of why you need to rethink how you test your JS apps and how StackHawk can help you find and fix security bugs fast.

Engaging Ecommerce with the Visual Web - Colby Fayock

Experiences on the web have grown increasingly visual, from displaying product images to interactive NFTs, but not paying attention to how media is delivered can impact Core Web Vitals creating a bad UX with slow loading pages, hurting your store’s conversion and potentially losing sales.

How can we effectively leverage media to showcase products creating engaging experiences for our store? We’ll talk about media’s role in ecomm and how we can take advantage of it while optimizing delivery.

Web Components are awesome! - Dwane Hemmings

Ever wondered how by placing "video" or "audio" into your HTML, you get a media player with controls included? Or how, depending on the type attribute, "input" can be a button, a place to enter text, select a date or file, color picker and more? What if you could create your own element? The answer: Web Components! 🤯 In this talk, we’ll take a look at what Web Components are, how to make one and include it into an application.

Nrwl, Austria
The Age of Monorepos

The history of the web can be divided into evolutionary development leaps. The age of inline scripts, the age of jQuery, the age of SPAs, the age of JAMStack...

We are now entering the next stage that has been carefully prepared in the past few years. Let me invite you to the world of modern monorepo solutions and share with you the benefits you will reap by using them in every project size and setup. It's time you automate those boilerplate tasks and reduce the bottlenecks so you can focus on what truly matters.

Get ready for the next leap! Welcome to the age of monorepos!

SDC:LX, Portugal
a11y and TDD: A Perfect Match

Accessibility has been web development's ugly duckling for quite some time now. I often get asked, "when should you test for a11y in your apps?" My answer is simple, "right from the start!". Regardless of the framework considered - React, Svelte, Vue, YourOwn™️ - as developers we are in a privileged position to help the ugly duckling grow into a beautiful swan. How? By diving deep into the pond and harnessing the power of Javascript APIs to build the right components for your web apps. And how can do you know you are building them right? By pairing Test Driven Development with the Testing Library family. Ready to grow your web apps into swans?

Collège Édouard-Montpetit, Canada
MIDI in the Browser... Let's Rock the Web!

If you own an electronic music instrument made in the last 3 decades, it most likely supports the MIDI protocol. What if I told you that it is possible to interact with your keytar or drum machine directly from your beloved browser? You would go crazy, right? Well, prepare to do so…

With built-in support in Chrome, Firefox and Opera, this possibility is now a reality. This talk will introduce the audience to the Web MIDI API and to my own WEBMIDI.js library so you can get rockin' fast.

Web devs, man your synths!


June 20 Schedule

Tilde, Inc., USA
Announcing Starbeam: Universal Reactivity

Starbeam is a library for building reactive data systems that integrate natively with UI frameworks such as React, Vue, Svelte or Ember. In this talk, Yehuda will announce Starbeam. He will cover the motivation for the library, and then get into the details of how Starbeam reactivity works, and most importantly, how you can use it to build reactive libraries today that will work natively in any UI framework. If you're really adventurous, he will also talk about how you could use Starbeam in an existing app using your framework of choice and talk about the benefits of using Starbeam as the state management system in your application.

PayPal, USA
Future Features of JS?!

Curious to know what are some of the potential JS features that are cooking right now?

Yes are at the right place! This talk will be walking you through such features with code samples and some insights from the TC39 meeting notes about them.

Unity Technologies, USA
Quantum Computing in JavaScript with Q.js

Anyone can learn quantum computing! Join Stewart Smith as he describes his open-source passion project, Q.js. What exactly is a quantum computer? What's it good for? And how does Quantum JavaScript fit in? While this talk is for anyone curious about quantum computing, it will resonate particularly with coders, high school algebra survivors, and music nerds.

Meltwater, USA
Immutable Web Apps

Resolving dependencies when they are all bundled together is easy. Resolving dependencies when they are in being loaded via script tags is much more challenging. The goal of this talk is to explain how Meltwater handles dependency resolution when building native Web Component based applications that rely on packages published by many different teams.

SolidJS Creator / Netlify, USA
SolidJS: Reactivity Unchained

Join Ryan Carniato, creator of SolidJS, as he shows off the fundamentals of this unique take on a JavaScript Framework. This session will reflect on the challenges of modern web development that motivated Solid's creation. By retracing his steps from simple beginnings to a full-fledged framework, Ryan will showcase how reactive primitives are the only building blocks you need.

Briza, Brazil
Building a Sustainable Codebase with FP

As software engineers we are always trying to be more productive, to deliver better code, and to have faster development feedback. In this talk, we'll explore how functional programming, tests and hexagonal architecture can perform great together in order to support a maintainable codebase for hundreds of engineers and services. Diving deeper on how we can leverage hexagonal architecture with dependency rejection in order to decouple decisions from effects, resulting in a code that is easier to reason, compose and test. The codebase is not the only one that takes advantages from that, but also the developers. It helps everyone feel more comfortable and engaged about maintaining good practices.

Finding Stealthy Bots in Javascript Hide and Seek - Adam Abramov

Javascript has a lot of use cases - one of them is automated browser detection. This is a technical talk overviewing the state of the art automated browser for ad fraud, how it cheats many bot detection solutions, and the unique methods that have been used to identify it anyway.

Performance is User Experience: Optimizing the Frontend for the Users - Chinenye Onuegbu

In most computer systems, definition of performance is straight forward enough: do more work per time with less resources. For a frontend web application, this is rarely the case. Frontend applications not only need to be resource-efficient, but must also ""feel"" efficient to the user. This makes performance on the frontend mostly a user experience issue.

Join me as we take a deep dive into the important performance metrics of a modern frontend app, how to measure them, and how to optimize them for both the machine and the user.

How Blitz.js Makes Fullstack Web Development a Breeze - Aleksandra Sikora

Blitz was created as a full-stack React framework, inspired by Ruby on Rails, and with a goal to make you as productive as possible! It features a “”Zero-API”" data layer abstraction, has authn & authz out of the box and a few more exciting features. However, we recently decided to pivot Blitz to a framework agnostic toolkit, which means a huge and thrilling change for the Blitz community. During this talk, I will introduce the core concepts, talk about the why & how of the pivot, and give you a glimpse of Blitz’s future.

Appwrite, USA
The Next Wave of Web Frameworks is BYOJS

Web application development has had many shifts over the lifetime of the web. From server-side applications with a sprinkle of JavaScript to Single Page Applications built entirely with JavaScript. Now we’re heading back to where many new web frameworks build for static first, with JavaScript added as needed. This talk covers building web applications with JavaScript through the lens of Astro, a static site generator where the choice of JavaScript framework is uniquely yours.

Postman, India
Building UIs - By the People, for the People!

What if you get to know that your UI is not usable to roughly 20% of the world? And also you might be sued due to it in many countries? It's normal to get terrified but thanks to a concept called accessibility that we can resolve this and make our UI more reachable and in a much exciting way with this talk!

Gridcog, Australia
Ensuring your Users are on the Right Path: the Future of Modals and Focus Management

With *dialog* and the inert attribute landing in all major browsers in 2022, we as web developers now have simple yet powerful primitives to help build complex app-like flows on the web, rather than the over-engineered or leaky solutions we've relied on for years. Let's demystify these primitives and talk through how they make your code simpler: from plain HTML, Web Components, to React/similar.

Theodo UK, France
How to Use Gamification to Improve Quality on Your Project

Building software is all about hitting the right spot between features and quality. But we rarely talk about how to measure quality. Let’s look at how a gamification system (points & leaderboard) within a GitHub action helped developers on my team care about quality!

Adobe, USA
Building JS Apps with Internationalization (i18n) in Mind

At Adobe we build products for the world, this talk with provide a high level overview of internationalization (i18n), globalization (g11n), and localization (l10n) best practices. Why these are important and how to implement in design, UX, and within any JS codebase - using vanilla JS examples, and top open source library recommendations.

Google, USA
The Wind and the Waves: The formation of Framework Waves from the Epicenter

What do you do when you're a framework that's survived and innovated in two JavaScript Framework Waves, and see the new wave cresting in the distance? You innovate. In this talk, we explore the JavaScript Framework landscape, and some of the major competitive features we've seen. We'll explore what Angular is introducing today and where we're headed in the future.

Push-Based, Austria
High-Speed Web Applications: Beyond the Basics

Knowing how to run performance tests on your web application properly is one thing, and putting those metrics to good use is another. And both these aspects are crucial to the overall success of your performance optimization efforts. However, it can be quite an endeavor at times for it means you need to have a precise understanding of all the ins and outs of both performance data and performance tooling. This talk will shed light on how to overcome this challenge and walk you through the pitfalls and tricks of the trade of Chrome DevTools, providing you with a complete roadmap for performance analysis and optimization.

ChainSafe Systems, Germany
Web3.js - Past, Present & Future
  • Will discuss the challenges faced in Web3.js project.
  • Some opensource contribution statistics.
  • Current refactoring objectives we are working on to make web3.js better.
  • Release timeline.
  • Overview of future plans.
Algorand, USA
Build Blockchain dApps using JavaScript

Have we found nirvana for Blockchain developers? This session will focus on building blockchain dApps (distributed Apps) with one set of source code and deploy to multiple blockchains! The session will cover getting started with Reach and being able to deploy the same solution to multiple blockchains including Algorand, Ethereum, and Conflux. New to Reach? We will cover how to set up your development environment as well as walk through a simple app frontend and backend. Finally, we will look one the huge benefits of Reach in the built-in verification process. Reach provides automatic verifications to ensure that your program does not lose, lock away, or overspend funds and guarantees that your applications are free from this entire category of errors.

NVIDIA | Data Visualization , USA
GPU Accelerating Node.js Web Services and Visualization with RAPIDS

The expansion of data size and complexity, broader adoption of ML, as well as the high expectations put on modern web apps all demand increasing compute power. Learn how the RAPIDS data science libraries can be used beyond notebooks, with GPU accelerated Node.js web services. From ETL to server side rendered streaming visualizations, the experimental Node RAPIDS project is developing a broad set of modules able to run across local desktops and multi-GPU cloud instances.

GitHub, Canada
Levelling up Monorepos with npm Workspaces

Learn more about how to leverage the default features of npm workspaces to help you manage your monorepo project while also checking out some of the new npm cli features.


Re-stream from the Community track

Mabl, Argentina
Accessibility Credit and How to Pay it

Tech debt comes as free credit for our lack of experience, wrong deadlines or simply a mix of bad decisions; but no matter how it gets there, the cost is usually on accessibility. The first to sacrify is the one tool that allows all people to surf the web without constraints.

How do we tackle a technical debt for accessibility? Where do we begin? How fast and far can we get? In this talk we will go through real-world examples on how to begin fixing the most important technical debt out there.

Senior Software Engineer, Israel
🚀 Supercharge your NodeJS with Rust

Node.js is great - easy to develop, performant, easy to scale. But there are tasks that are less suited for it - heavy computations or data processing. Join me and learn how you can incorporate Rust as well as WebAssembly into Node and JavaScript and take your performance to the next level!

Web Standards, Belarus
WebHID API: Control Everything via USB

Operational System allows controlling different devices using Human Interface Device protocol for a long time. With WebHID API you can do the same right from the browser. Let’s talk about the protocol features and limitations. We’ll try to connect some devices to the laptop and control them with JavaScript.

Codete & Medtransfer, Poland
JavaScript Beats Cancer

Skin cancer is a serious problem worldwide but luckily treatment in the early stage can lead to recovery. JavaScript together with a machine learning model can help Medical Doctors increase the accuracy in melanoma detection. During the presentation, we show how to use Tensorflow.js, Keras and React Native to build a solution that can recognize skin moles and detect if they are a melanoma or a benign mole. We also show issues that we have faced during development. As a summary, we present the pros and cons of JavaScript used for machine learning projects.

Deno Land, Node.js Technical Steering Committee, USA
An Introduction to Deno for Node.js Developers

Deno and Node.js have a lot in common. They are both non-browser JavaScript runtimes built on the V8 engine. Deno and Node.js are also different in a lot of ways: TypeScript, CommonJS, package management, permission systems, tooling, native addons, browser compatibility. This talk will compare and contrast the two runtimes, focusing on what experienced Node.js developers need to know in order to succeed with Deno.
